Friday, June 25, 2010

Waiting to Extubate

The plan was to attempt to extubate Lynnea today, but this morning she had a few episodes where she dropped her SATs pretty low and had a difficult time recovering, so it was decided that we should wait at least one more day before trying to take her off from the ventilator. Other than dropping her SATs, Lynnea had a fairly uneventful day. She has not shown anymore improvement in her neurological status -- she doesn't seem to have many purposeful movements, she doesn't appear to really see anything when her eyes are open, and she doesn't show any sort of clear recognition of me or anyone else. The doctors do not hold out much hope at all of her recovering from this at this point, considering how long it has been since her cardiac arrest, she should have shown more improvement than this by now.

1 comment:

shannon said...

sending healing thoughts and prayers to you and your family you have a beautiful baby girl please lord jesus wrap your healing arms around little lynnea and help her through the difficult times stay strong i believe in miracles and will be praying for lynnea to have hers god bless