Lynnea ended up back on oxygen in the middle of the night last night, and we were not able to wean her off from it until this afternoon. After dinner, she needed it on again, and shortly after putting her to bed we turned it off, though she is already dropping her SATs some and I won't be surprised if I need to turn it back on at some point during the night. This morning Lynnea was extremely grumpy when she woke up and spent the first couple of hours of her day screaming at everyone. Even though it was still technically a little too humid to take Lynnea outside, we took her for a walk anyway simply to try to calm her down. She was calm as long as she was in the stroller and it was moving, so we kept her out as long as we could, but when she started dropping her SATs despite being on extra oxygen, we had to take her back inside. That made her mad. She continued to be in a pretty grumpy mood until this afternoon when she finally decided to give me some of those adorable smiles that I look forward to seeing everyday. She and Ashlyn both did some finger painting this afternoon. Ashlyn loved this. Lynnea did not. Ashlyn also enjoyed playing "dress-up" and I think at one point her goal was to get as many of her dress-up clothes as she could at once.

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