Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ambulance Ride

Lynnea had another rough night last night, and she continued to struggle today, and by this afternoon she clearly wasn't doing well at all. So, we took an ambulance ride back to the U of M and she was admitted to the PICU again. She is back on high flow oxygen (6 liters, 40%), and still struggles to keep her SATs up. They did a chest X-ray thinking that she may have collapsed a lung, but her chest X-ray actually looked pretty good, so that wasn't the problem. They will probably do an echocardiogram tomorrow; her heart function has probably gotten worse, which is what is causing all of her problems. If this is the case, there is not much that can be done about it. For tonight the plan is to keep her on the high flow, put an IV in to give her some IV fluids (she was too upset when we got here to put an IV in, but now that she has calmed down some, they will probably try to put one in sometime soon), and just keep an eye on her. We should know more sometime tomorrow.

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