Friday, June 4, 2010

Rain Boots

Lately Ashlyn has had a fascination with shoes, and she seems to feel that Lynnea should also share in this. So, Ashlyn likes to find all of her too-small shoes and try them on Lynnea to see if they fit her. Since Lynnea has never really worn shoes, her tolerance for this activity varies. Today Ashlyn thought that Lynnea should wear rain boots, so she tried to put them on Lynnea. Lynnea put up with this, but once they were on her feet, she began signing "all done" and pulled them off. It was pretty cute.

Other than still being a bit on the grumpy side much of the day, Lynnea had an OK day. Her SATs dropped some for a while before her nap today, but not low enough to require oxygen. She continues to cough and sneeze a lot. She has also been rubbing her fingers in her mouth again, and I believe she is teething again, which would explain some of the grumpiness.

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