Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Working on Weaning

Today Lynnea's ventilator rate was weaned from 28 down to 14, and so far she seems to be tolerating it well. I think that the goal is to get her down to a rate of 10 before trying to wean her PEEP (Positive End Expiratory Pressure) again. According to the pulmonology team, this might work better because Lynnea needs the high PEEP to keep her bronchus open, and her bronchus needs to stay open in order for her to continue to clear all of the extra secretions that she has in her lungs right now from this latest infection that she's trying to get over. So, it makes sense to wean other settings before touching the PEEP settings.

Nothing else was changed today. Lynnea continues to do fine without any Epinephrine, which is very good. She worked with both the physical therapist and the occupational therapist today, and she did well with both.

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