Friday, April 30, 2010

18 Months Old

Lynnea is now 18 months old! She had a better day today. She was not quite as crabby as yesterday, and her fever was not as high today. She spent much of the day telling people to leave the room (nurses, doctors, etc.) by pointing at the door and waving bye-bye whenever anyone walked into the room. This afternoon though, she was fairly pleasant with the speech therapist, and seemed to enjoy playing with the physical therapist. Today her feeds were increased again, and she's finally tolerating her tube feedings well enough to turn off her IV nutrition (TPN and lipids). She's still not quite up to the amount that they want her on for a daily total, but she's getting pretty close. She is still on continuous J-tube feedings, which, ultimately I still hope can be switched back to G-tube feedings eventually, but we'll give her some time before rushing into that. Her IV Milrinone drip was turned down to about half of what it had been running at, and the plan is to turn it off tomorrow to see how she does without it. Overall, things seem to be moving in the right direction.

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