Sunday, April 18, 2010

Megan's Wedding

Yesterday I left the hospital for pretty much the whole day so that I could be in my sister Megan's wedding. I had fun and I enjoyed being able to support Megan in this way. Ashlyn was also one of the flower girls, so it was fun to get to see her all dressed up.

Lynnea did fine while I was gone. She asked for Mommy a few times, but the nurse was able to redirect her and keep her happy. Nothing was weaned yesterday, mostly because the doctors knew that I was going to be gone all day and they knew that I would worry less if they didn't make any big changes while I was gone. I appreciated that. Today Lynnea did well overall, though she did spike a temp again this afternoon, so cultures were sent as usual. Her ventilator has been weaned to a PEEP of 7, and she's doing OK with that. Her sedation was also weaned a little bit again today. The plan as of this morning is to attempt to extubate her when she demonstrates that she can handle breathing with a ventilator setting at a PEEP of 5, so probably later this week.

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