Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Lynnea's day was OK. This morning during rounds Dr. St. Louis decided that, since Lynnea seems to be tolerating her wean off from the ventilator better than expected, we should not trach her tomorrow. The only reason we were planning on traching her is because we thought that it would take her a long time to come off from the ventilator. Since there now appears to be a chance that she will manage to come off the ventilator in the next week or so, traching her would be pointless. So, the trach plans are on hold at least until the end of this week, or early next week. This was great news. Lynnea showed signs of having a harder time breathing today, but overnight they had tried to wean her ventilator settings faster than they had been over the past several days, and she has never done well with super fast ventilator weans, so they will have to slow down just a bit. Unfortunately she also had difficulties with her feeds today as well. There was a slight increase in her rate this morning, but this evening her feeds have been turned off completely due to her gagging and throwing up. Hopefully she will have a better day tomorrow on that front. She slept most of the day, but when she was awake this afternoon and now this evening, she's been in a pretty good mood - very interactive and mostly happy.

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