Sunday, June 7, 2009

We've Discovered Gravity

Lynnea had another uneventful day, medically speaking. The doctors are playing around with the dosages of some of her medications, but nothing particularly interesting. Lynnea spent the day hanging out in her hospital crib, which is made of metal. She made two important discoveries today. First, if you hold a toy in your hand and swing it around near the bars on the crib, it makes a really great "clanging" noise. Even better than that, if you turn most of the toys sideways (or just take your Nuk out of your mouth and hold that) near the bars of the crib and then let go, they disappear until Mommy makes them magically reappear. She doesn't know how to say "Uh-Oh" yet, but she definitely gets the idea of the "Uh-Oh" game, and finds it very entertaining.

Tomorrow she her CT scan is scheduled for 10am. They will have to sedate her for it because they need her to lay perfectly still so that they can get clear pictures. Depending on how much sedation is required, there is a chance that they will need to intubate (put her on the ventilator) for this. I hope not, but they'll do what they have to do.

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