Friday, June 5, 2009

Out of the PICU

Lynnea had an eventful day. Around 11am she had an upper GI study done to see whether or not her Nissen had come undone. They put some contrast liquid in her tummy through her G-tube and then took some X-rays to see how things are working in her stomach and GI track. Her Nissen looks fine, it is still intact and should be functioning properly. She didn't have any reflux, and her stomach empties normally without any problems. So, her spitting up doesn't seem to be a GI problem. We are glad that she doesn't have to have another Nissen procedure done, but it's frustrating that we still don't know what was causing her to spit up.

At 1pm she had a lung profusion scan to see how blood is profusing to her lungs. This involved putting some radioactive dye into her IV and then using a large scary-looking machine to track how well blood was flowing to and from her lungs. I haven't heard any official results from this test, but the doctors did say that her left lung is definitely not profusing as well as her right lung. This supports the findings of yesterdays heart catherization that showed blockage in the pulmonary veins. We still don't know exactly what is going to be done to fix this problem (surgery, but we don't know exactly what it will entail). More information and better pictures of the problem are needed before decisions like that will be made. So, on Monday Lynnea will have a CT scan that will hopefully provide them with the information they need. Yes, this means that we are hanging out here in the hospital at least through the weekend.

This evening, because there was no reason that they could find to keep Lynnea exclusively on Pedialyte, they began giving her breast milk again. . . for now it is mixed with Pedialyte, but if she tolerates it well, we should have her back on just milk by morning.

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