Thursday, July 1, 2010


Today we had molds made of Lynnea's hands and feet to make plaster keepsakes for us. Lynnea tolerated this process pretty well. We did one of just her hand and her foot, one with her holding onto one of my fingers and one of Corey's fingers, and one of her holding Ashlyn's hand. Ashlyn enjoyed this process, and was very excited to get to help the Child Family Life specialist mix up the plaster and pour it into the molds. It was good for Ashlyn to get to have such an active role in making this memento. Ashlyn also started making a memory journal of her favorite memories with Lynnea. Both of these activities were perfect for her and her love of "doing art."

Corey and I have decided that we will take Lynnea off from the ventilator on Monday afternoon, and just let things go from there. Any family or friends that would like to come to say their goodbyes to Lynnea are welcome to do so between now and then.


Unknown said...

What a precious memory you created today. May your faith bring you peace and comfort during this extraordinarily difficult time. What a treasure it has been for all of us to have been touched by beautiful little Lynnea. Sending prayers and hugs your way.

The Kenyons

Anonymous said...

She has touched alot of hearts. We feel very privelaged to have had such a wonderful child in our lives.She is truly one that we will all remember, she smiled so beautiful. Please give her a hug for us. Jesus will take care of her and Corie and you. Love you all Bev and Joyce

Anonymous said...

We will keep all of you in our prayers. Lynnea has taught all of us how precious life is and how short it can be. God has a plan for all of you and we all have our faith to carry us through.
The Drevlows

Annie Krsiean said...

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:14-16

Tina and Corey,

I struggled with such guilt over Joey thinking we should've brought him in to the ER that night or if only we hadn't done that last procedure he would still be here...

I clung to this verse because it meant that there was nothing in my power to change the plans God had intended for Joey's life. He knew exactly when He wanted Joey to come home.

I can't imagine what you are going through now regarding the decisions you have had to make. However, I do understand the incredible sadness you must be feeling. There were times I felt I couldn't even breathe I felt so sad.

But, I pray you will feel the sovereignty of the Lord. That you will not feel responsible for what may lie ahead, but rather know that every aspect of these next days are according to God's plan for Lynnea's life.

Mike and I are praying for all of you!

In Christ,

Annie Krsiean

Anonymous said...

Tina & Corey,
I hope the words to this song will give you some comfort. Praying for you. Scott & Carol Steinberg

Paris Twila - Visitor From Heaven Lyrics

A visitor from Heaven
If only for a while
A gift of love to be returned
We think of you and smile

A visitor from Heaven
Accompanied by grace
Reminding of a better love
And of a better place

With aching hearts and empty arms
We send you with a name
It hurts so much to let you go
But we’re so glad you came
We’re so glad you came

A visitor from Heaven
If only for a day
We thank Him for the time He gave
And now it’s time to say
We trust you to the Father’s love
And to His tender care
Held in the everlasting arms
And we’re so glad you’re there
We’re so glad you’re there

With breaking hearts and open hands
We send you with a name
It hurts so much to let you go
But we’re so glad you came
We’re so glad you came

Erica M said...

Tina and Family,

I think of you everyday. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your baby girl. I have not had the pleasure to meet Lynnea, but she holds a special place in my heart. She is a special angel that god has given us. All my thoughts and prayers, Erica Marlowe (friend of Tim)