Monday, March 29, 2010

Working on a Plan

Dr. St. Louis was back today, so he had a chat with Dr. Gruenstein, and Dr. Gupta (the critical care team attending this week) to discuss a plan for Lynnea. The tentative plan is still to do another heart catherization sometime this week, but I still haven't heard a date/time. St. Louis would still like to attempt the aortopexy sometime soon as well. I spoke with Gruenstein and Gupta first, and then to St. Louis later in the day. Gruenstein and Gupta are not ready to completely give up on Lynnea, though they did recommend that Corey and I sit down and have a conversation about her code status and whether or not we still want her at full code status (meaning that if she codes, they will do everything humanly possible to keep her alive, regardless of quality of life), or if there would come a point when we would want them to just let her go. They also threw out the possibility of evaluating her for a transplant just so that we know if she would even be a candidate. St. Louis seems more optimistic about her situation than they did, and said that he's not ready to give up on her yet. He did suggest that Corey and I reconsider the possibility of getting her a trach, even as a short term solution so that she wouldn't need to have the breathing tube down her throat because, even if the aortopexy were to be completely successful, it would be at least two weeks after before she would be able to come off the ventilator, so this is something we should seriously take into consideration.


Anonymous said...

While I'm sure those thoughts are never far from your mind, the discussion on code status must be incredibly difficult.

Anonymous said...

Tina thank you for keeping us informed. Thank God that ST. Louis is not ready to give up on her, cuz God definately is not. He gave you Linnea because he knew you and Cory could handle what needed to be done. Stay Strong baby is not ready to give up ither. You have to know that there are many others out here that are trying to hold you up. We Love You all,,, you are wonderful. Bev and Joyce