Monday, March 15, 2010

High Fever

Lynnea is technically on the OR schedule for Wednesday to have her aortopexy, but I am not sure if Dr. St. Louis will go forward with this considering that she again spiked a high fever today (102.6). He was not here today, so I assume he will make some sort of decision about it tomorrow. Because her fever curve has gotten progressively worse since they started taking her off some of her antibiotics, they have decided to put her back on the antibiotics. There is also some concern over a rash that she's had since early last week, and concern that she may be having some issues with the Heparin that she's on. In rounds this afternoon, there was much discussion about these issues (and a few others), and though no decisions were made, and nothing particularly useful was said in the end, I got the distinct feeling that everyone was very worried about all of these things, and just incredibly worried and discouraged about the way things are going for her in general.

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