Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Heart Surgery #7

This morning Lynnea underwent her seventh heart surgery. This time it was very short - she was taken to the OR at 7:42am, and was back in the PICU at 9:45am. Dr. St. Louis re-opened the incision in her chest, and looked for signs of infection, and/or any fluid that he could drain that might be a source of infection. He didn't find any. This is good news because the type of infection that everyone was afraid that she had would have been very, very bad for her, but this means that we still don't know why she has been running fevers for nearly six weeks. Ironically, since returning from the OR, her temp has been normal - 98.4. Hopefully it stays normal, and maybe she will improve enough so that she can have the aortopexy that she needs next.

1 comment:

Abby said...

I was wondering which hospital you were in. My best friend is in Childrens in St. Paul with her daughter in the PICU/ recovery. Are you at the same hospital?