Friday, March 12, 2010

The Current Plan

So, today some of the doctors decided that sitting around waiting for Lynnea's fevers to go away doesn't seem to be working, so they came up with a plan. The plan is to cut back on some of her antibiotics over the weekend and see what happens (because sometimes the antibiotics themselves can cause fevers). If her fever curve improves, or even if it stays the same, the assumption will be that she is not actually fighting an infection, but if her fever curve gets worse, they will know that she really is fighting something off, and hopefully it will then show up on some of their cultures, so at least they will know what they're fighting. If her fever curve stays the same, they will also consider giving her a one-time large dose of steroids because sometimes this helps get rid of persistent fevers in cardiac patients. Also, she is on the schedule to have her aortopexy on Tuesday; I don't know what time, but I would assume that she's first case in the morning.

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