Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Difficult Day

Lynnea was awake and very crabby all day today. Her sedation meds don't do anything anymore for her (I can't tell when she gets her extra bumps, they don't seem to phase her at all). She continually wanted me to pick her up today, which is still not an option, so she would get mad at me for not doing what she wanted me to do. She also decided to try to pull off her bandages over her incision site, and try to pull out her breathing tube, so we had to put a "no-no" on her arm again so that she couldn't reach these things to pull on them. She wasn't happy about that. With all of her kicking all day, she managed to ruin the peripheral IV that she had in her foot, so this evening she had to get a new one put in, which she hated. She also ran a fever all day today. She had another lung profusion scan this afternoon that showed 90% of her blood flow going to her right lung, 10% to her left, which is not much different than the last scan showed. There is still not plan for what/when to do next to her.

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