Sunday, October 18, 2009

Influenza A

Lynnea's rapid culture for influenza A came back positive; they sent the H1N1 culture, but we won't know the results of that for a few days (a lot of positive influenza A patients actually have H1N1). Overall, Lynnea had an OK day; she's grumpy and has had a difficult time getting the rest that she needs due to her cough and difficulties breathing. Her sat's are still low, but she is still getting by without any extra oxygen support. She is getting her nebulizer treatments every four or five hours, and we're giving her Tylenol around the clock for comfort. This evening she seems to be in a better mood -- not screaming at everyone who walks through the door, and doing "naughty" things like pulling on her G-tube, trying to get her oxymeter probe off, etc. I am hoping that tonight she is able to get more rest than last night because we could both desperately use a good night's sleep (I have also managed to catch the flu, which makes it pretty miserable to be in the hospital trying to take care of a sick baby).

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