Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Back in the Hospital...Again

Yes, we were home for less than 24 hours this time, a new record, though not necessarily one to be proud of. This morning when our home-care nurse, Michelle, arrived at our house, she listened to Lynnea's breathing, and, of course, Lynnea was wheezing again. So, we gave her a nebulizer treatment. This helped some, but did not completely clear her lungs like it usually does. Also, during Lynnea's morning feeding, she was gagging and spitting up. She was not running a fever or anything, but she was really crabby. We waited for a few hours until we could give her another nebulizer treatment to see if that would clear out her lungs. It didn't. And, during her noon feeding, she began throwing up even more than she had this morning. So, Michelle called the hospital and told them that Lynnea really needed to come back because she was in worse shape than she had been on Monday when they first admitted her. So, we're back in the hospital at least until her heart catherization on Friday; they put in an IV, and are giving her IV fluids to keep her hydrated because she's not tolerating her feedings, they did another chest X-ray (I haven't heard how it looked), and they are running her labs to make sure that they are all still normal. Maybe we'll know more tomorrow, though I suspect that we won't have any real answers until after her heart cath on Friday.

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