Thursday, February 12, 2009

Another Day at the Hospital

Today Lynnea received a blood transfusion because her hemoglobin levels were low. This seemed to help her keep her saturation levels up a little bit higher than they have been during the past few days, which is a good thing. Other than that, not much else is new today. She's still running a fever. They still don't know why. The rapid results for her viral scan are all coming back negative. If Lynnea would keep her saturations up, we could move over to 5A, but until then we're still stuck here in the PICU.
I am adding to Tina's post. While sitting next to her I found a poem someone had left sitting on a table. Reading it really hit the soft part of the heart for us. We have become so numb to all of this it was weird finding something that actualy hit that spot. It is posted on the sidebar there for everyone to read and not get lost in our daily posting. It seems to convey the feelings we have become so used to ignoring.

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