We talked to a cardiologist this morning, and she thinks that they might be able to perform the first surgery in a few days. Lynnea is getting stronger, and all of her organs seem to be functioning pretty well right now. They will continue to monitor her closely, and they are hoping to remove her breathing tube soon. This will make it easier for Corey and me to hold her. For the surgery, she will be moved to the Pediatric ICU on the East Bank (right now we're still in the NICU on the West Bank). This cardiologist made it sound like the second surgery may take place sooner than we had initially been told -- she says it might happen around 3 months, rather than 6-9 months. We will continue to keep everyone updated with what is going on.
I'm thinking of you and your family. Good luck, I hope everything works out ok, I'm following her progress.
its Tristan how is Lynaya? hope she gets better I will keap her in my prayers
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