Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mysterious Sock

Lynnea had another CT scan this afternoon. It showed that there is some narrowing of her aorta. Surprise, surprise. This is exactly what the last CT scan showed. And it's exactly what the heart catherization that they did last week showed. As of this afternoon when the doctors did their rounds, Dr. St. Louis hadn't had a chance to go over the CT results in detail, so as of now, there is no plan about what to do next. Her fever was down today. She is back on antibiotics, as of last night. They increased the amount of epinephrine that she is on. Her saturations have either been too high or too low throughout the day.

As for the mysterious sock. . . tonight as I was straightening the blankets on my lumpy cot, I found a lone Ashlyn-sized white sock, and I have to wonder, when did my daughter go home barefoot?


Anonymous said...

lol.. I bet it was from when she got sick last week there her clothing was all set on the end of the bed and the next day she wore the blanket sleepers home so that would make the more sense.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you some peace and rest - I can only imagine the toll this roller coaster is taking on you, your family, and that sweet little Lynnea. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

As for the sock, perhaps it's sole purpose for being left behind was to give you something else to think about.