Monday, March 9, 2009

Moving Slowly

Today the doctors decided to begin weening Lynnea off from the ventilator, but they are doing it very slowly. They also decided to increase her feedings again (she had been on IV nutrition over the weekend). How well she responds to cutting back on the use of the ventilator will be a good indicator as to how well she is actually doing. Her temperature was fine again today, and the general consensus is that there is no infection at this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In a moment; before time
God had a thought, that is me.
Lynnea Hope Callison,
God's thought, for all to see.

I seemed to be perfect
Throughout my first week.
But, then without warning
I became very weak.

My heart; we found, formed
Not quite right, before I was born.

Ninety-five days in the hospital... and counting.
With hope for my life
Sometimes waning, sometime mounting.

Doctors, in swarms, attend at my side.
I'm different from others they've seen,
Just what to do for me, they cannot

So far life's not been easy
In fact it's been tough
Not just for me, but for Dad, Mom, and Ashyln it's been pretty rough.

I know when you visit
and stand by my bed.
I feel your touch and
each squeeze of my hand.
The love in your voice
with each word that's said.
I hope you know, I do understand.

Ashlyn says, "Love you Nea."
So how can I miss
Knowing I'll have fun
With my big sis?

We're a family;
Dad, Mom, Ashlyn, and me
God put us together -
Just so that we
Could share in His thoughts
from eternity.
And His thoughts are

March 9, 2009