Monday, May 10, 2010

Break Even Day

Today was a "break even" day for Lynnea -- she has spent the same number of days during her lifetime in the hospital as at home. Today was kind of a rough day for Lynnea again. She had many withdrawal symptoms today, most notably being her extreme irritability, especially this morning. She also spiked a high fever again today -- 103.4, so she was miserable. When her fever is that high, her heart rate also gets very high, and her respiratory rate is high. The good news is that she only has one narcotic IV drip to get rid of before she can move to the floor. They expect her to be off from that within the next 48 hours, which means we could move to the floor on Thursday, and maybe home by next Monday is what the doctors are hoping for right now. Most of the day Lynnea managed to get by without any oxygen support at all, but this evening her blood-oxygen saturation levels dropped again, so she's back on a nasal cannula to give her a little bit of oxygen support, which is a little disappointing. She continues to sneeze a lot today, and she's coughing some, so we'll see how things go from here. The doctors also increased the amount of feeding that they are giving her through her G-tube, and she continues to tolerate that just fine.

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