Sunday, September 6, 2009

Two Months at Home

We have been home now as a family for two whole months. Lynnea now sits up on her own, claps, and sometimes tolerates tummy time in the beanbag chair. She has also finally gotten another tooth (it's been a long time coming). Unfortunately, we will be heading back to the hospital this Friday (9/11) for another heart catherization in preparation for Lynnea's next surgery on Sept. 21. We had hoped that she would not need another heart cath. before surgery, but Dr. Gruenstein and Dr. St. Louis both thought that it is needed. It is possible that we will be in and out of the hospital on the same day for the heart cath., but that's a best case scenario, and I'm not overly optimistic that we will not have to stay for at least a day or two.

We've also taken advantage of this time at home to transition Ashlyn to a "big girl" bed -- we converted her crib into a daybed. She sleeps OK in it most of the time, except when she falls out and lands on the floor with a nice "thud." It's kind of funny because about half of the time she doesn't even wake up, she just crawls back in bed like nothing happened. (I know this because I've been in the room taking care of Lynnea when she's done this, and it's really hard not to laugh at her.) We're just really glad that it's not a very far fall from her bed to the floor.


Tim said...

This is probably the greatest video I have ever seen... with the exception of the Yoda lightsaber scene in Star Wars...

Unknown said...

All that this video needs is some background music. Sing it with me! "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands! Clap! Clap!"