Friday, April 3, 2009

Talk of Going Home

The tentative plan is that we will be discharged on Monday. Obviously, we all know by now that things in the hospital are never written in stone and have a tendency to change several times, but barring any surprises, we should get to leave as scheduled (although, Lynnea had another echo done this morning, and I still haven't heard any sort of official results from it. . . ). Lynnea did well during physical therapy today, and pretty well during speech therapy, though drinking from a bottle is still pretty tough for her and takes a lot of energy. The worst part of her day was when one of the surgical nurses came to remove half of the stitches in her chest incision site. Dr. St. Louis used glue and stitches this time when he closed her up, rather than staples like he did the last two times, because he really wanted to make sure that there were no gaping holes that could get infected. She will have the rest of the stitches removed before we go home on Monday. At this point, it looks like we're going home with the PICC line still in place (since no one has mentioned taking it out) so sometime over the weekend I will receive some training on how to take care of it (it has to be flushed twice a day and then Heparin locked because we're not actually using it to run any medications through right now).

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