Lynnea did fine again overnight. Her blood pressures still continue to
fluctuate quite a bit. During rounds this morning Dr. St. Louis said that he might still try to close her chest today, or he might wait until tomorrow. He didn't really give a clear reason why he might wait, but it may have had more to do with his caseload for today than anything to do with Lynnea. Lynnea continues to run a fever of 101.1 and it looks like it might be climbing. The cultures that were sent yesterday are still pending.
I came across your blog completely by accident, but I'm now captivated by your story. I can't imagine the difficulty of seeing your child with this many attachments and the overwhelming desire to hug her. She appears to be a remarkable child. Stay strong.
Tina, Yesterday we sang this hymn in chapel. It gave me comfort and hope in my tired state. Hope it does the same for you.
#738 LSB
Lord of All Hopefulness
Lord of all hopefulness,
Lord of all joy,
Whose trust, ever childlike, no cares could destroy;
Be there at our waking, and give us, we pray, Your bliss in our hearts, Lord, at the break of the day.
Lord of all eagerness, Lord of all faith, Whose strong hands were skilled at the plane and the lathe:
Be there at our labors, and give us, we pray, Your strength in our hearts, Lord, at the noon of the day.
Lord of all kindliness, Lord of all grace, Your hands swift to welcome, Your arms to embrace:
Be there at our homing, and give us, we pray, Your love in our hearts, Lord, at the eve of the day.
Lord of all gentleness, Lord of all calm, Whose voice is contentment, whose presence is balm:
Be there at our sleeping, and give us, we pray. Your peace in our hearts, Lord, at the end of the day.
Love mom
Tina, I'm glad to see Lynnea made it through surgery, and will pray that she continues to stabilize and heal and that you will be able to take her home soon. (And of course I'm keeping you, Ashlyn and Corey in my prayers that you'll get rest, and that God will give you the patience, peace and strength you need!) I loved seeing all the pictures of her smiling, it takes up her whole face!
Leah Welter
Cory & Tina, Your family in Missouri are praying that God will give you all the strength you can possible have to get through all this and for Lynnea to pull through all of this also. She has to be a strong little girl. She is in Gods hands.
We pray!
Love to all, Jack and Joanie and Kari
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