Lynnea continues to enjoy her time at home as we wait for her next surgery. She seems to be over her ear infection, and has been in a great mood the past few days. She thinks everything is funny lately, and it's fun to see her emerging sense of humor. She also continues to think that the best toys are the ones that Ashlyn happens to be playing with at the moment (and, of course, this feeling goes both ways -- Ashlyn regularly takes toys out of Lynnea's hands as well). We're trying to convince both girls that sharing toys is a good thing, but sometimes it's challenging. We've found that sometimes it's best to compromise and find activities that they can both do without fighting. Both girls have decided that they enjoy playing with Play-Doh, so we sit them at opposite ends of the table, give them each their own color dough and let them play "together" as long as they want. Lynnea has also become more vocal over the past week and has begun to make some more sounds. She has now added "Bbbrrr," and "BaBa" to her regular sounds, and will sign "Please" when she wants to go in her bouncy chair. She also now smacks her lips together when she wants some Chapstick, and shakes her finger at us to indicate "No, no, no." It's fun to see her communicate with us, though she's beginning to get a bit demanding at times.
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