The team of cardiologists met today to discuss Lynnea's situation. Her case is "unusual and impressive" (yes, that's exactly what they said about her). They were unable to come to any sort of consensus and are unwilling to make any recommendations at this time. They have e-mailed the cardiologists in
Cleveland, OH, asking for their opinions on the situation because that is where the Hybrid-
Norwood procedure that Lynnea had originated, so the doctors there have seen more cases than they have here at the U of M (remember, Lynnea is only the 4
th child to undergo this procedure here). As of this morning, the doctors in
Cleveland were also unable to come to any sort of agreement on what the next step should be. Dr.
Gruenstein says that the one thing that everyone is in agreement on is the fact that something needs to be done soon. He says that they will make a recommendation on Monday or Tuesday and we'll go from there. Due to the fact that we live in Zimmerman, and the hospital in Princeton is not equipped to deal with Lynnea if something were to go wrong while we are at home, the cardiologists here felt that it would be best for us to stay at the hospital until the next procedure.

On a lighter note, here are some pictures of Ashlyn taken today. While visiting Lynnea in the PICU, she desperately needed a sticker, which they almost always have available at the nurses' station. I told her that she could have one, but then she began demanding to have two. I told her no, and she began to whine about it. Nurse Tiana (nurse T is what everyone calls her) yelled at me for making Ashlyn cry and told Ashlyn that she could have whichever stickers that she wanted. In the end, Ashlyn ended up with 5 stickers -- she probably would have taken more, but that's all she really had room for on her shirt. Continuing in this spirit of excess, at dinner Ashlyn decided that one straw was not enough, so she helped herself to three. It was pretty funny watching her drink from all three at once.
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